[2019-00390] DIS Markentreprenader 2020

Tender notice overview

Place of execution
Stockholm, Stockholms län
The procurement is carried out with procedure
Dynamic purchasing system
Procuring authority or entity
Skolfastigheter i Stockholm Aktiebolag (SISAB)
Tender notice

Public notice: This is a public call for applications.

Detta dynamiska inköpssystem avser underhållsarbeten och entreprenader vid samtliga av B:s förvaltade fastigheter.

Final day for submitting
Last date for asking questions
Tenders must be valid by end of
Time left for response
 Days  Hours  Minutes  Seconds

You can find more information by clicking Application documents in the menu on the left and under the heading Create application you can find information on how to submit your application.

This procurement allows ongoing application opening, this means that the procurer can open your application immediately after submission. This also means that you will not be able to withdraw your application. However, it is possble to submit several applications.

This procurement allows multiple tender applications, you may create and submit multiple applications.

Category codes
CPV - Produktkategorikod
"Bygg- och anläggningsarbeten: rörledningar, kommunikations- och kraftledningar, huvudvägar, vägar, flygplatser och järnvägar; mark- och grundarbeten"
CPV - Produktkategorikod
NUTS - Regionkod
NUTS - Regionkod
Stockholms län

By registering interest on the page registration you will receive notifications via e-mail if changes occur. You can also notify the procurement officer if you decide to decline participation.