Tender notice
Public notice: This is a public call for applications.
Upphandlingen omfattar ett upprättande av ett dynamiskt inköpssystem (DIS) gällande tillfällig bemanningspersonal inom yrkesområdet socionomer/socialsekreterare.
Intresserade aktörer är välkomna att ansöka om kvalificering till det dynamiska inköpssystemet.
Detta DIS gäller för samtliga kommuner i Hälsingland.
Final day for submitting
Last date for asking questions
Tender valid until
Deadline for submitting your tender
You can find more information by clicking
Application documents
in the menu on the left and under the heading
Create application
you can find information on how to submit your application.
This procurement allows ongoing application opening, this means that the procurer can open your application immediately after submission. This also means that you will not be able to withdraw your application. However, it is possble to submit several applications.
This procurement allows multiple applications, you may create and submit multiple applications.
By registering interest on the page
you will receive notifications via e-mail if changes occur.
You can also notify the procurement officer if you decide to decline participation.