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LTU-614-2024 - A research platform for Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT) Meddelande om upphandling


Sista anbudsdag är 2024-09-18, annonsen visas mellan 2024-07-22 och 2024-09-18. Utförandeort Norrbottens län.
A research platform for imaging and material characterization using phased-array ultrasound (PAUT) is to be acquired by LTU. The PAUT platform will be placed in the ultrasonics laboratory at the Division of Signals and Systems. The ultrasonics laboratory is a state-of-the-art research laboratory for imaging, non-destructive testing and evaluation (NDT/E). Maximal budget for this procurement is 1,750,000 SEK including all cost of equipment (system), accessories, licences, software and software updates, minimum 12 months warranty, documentation, delivery DDP/DAP Incoterms 2020 to specified address in Luleå Sweden, packaging, insurance, shipping, installation of equipment, acceptance test and on-site training (including all costs for the Suppliers' technician(s) coming to LTU, e.g. travel expenses, accommodation costs etc.) and all demands specified in this document.
54 dagar kvar


LTU-473-2024 - FIB-SEM with laser ablation Meddelande om upphandling

Sista anbudsdag är 2024-08-11, annonsen visas mellan 2024-06-19 och 2024-08-11. Utförandeort Norrbottens län.
FIB – SEM with laser ablation is a conventional scanning electron microscope which has been fitted with an additional focused ion beam column to do high precision milling in the range of nanometres. The FIB- SEM also has a workflow for using a femto second laser equipment which also will be bought during the procurement. This equipment will be part of a correlative workflow where data from tomography such as XCT or synchrotron measurements can be used to reveal interesting region of interests in the material. The system configuration is unique in the northern part of Europe and will be placed in the material imaging infrastructure LUMIA at LTU. The tender will include all cost of equipment (system), accessories, licences, software and software updates, minimum 24 months warranty, documentation, delivery DDP/DAP Incoterms 2020 to specified address in Luleå Sweden, packaging, insurance, shipping, installation of equipment, acceptance test and on-site training (including all costs for the Suppliers' technician(s) coming to LTU, e.g. travel expenses, accommodation costs etc.). It also includes a 6 year service contract and all demands specified in this document.
16 dagar kvar


LTU-3672-2018 - Utvärderare externfinansierade projekt via dynamiskt inköpssystem Meddelande om upphandling

Sista ansökan är 2025-11-16, annonsen visas mellan 2018-11-19 och 2025-11-16. Utförandeort Västerbottens län, Norrbottens län.
I egenskap av projektägare har Luleå tekniska universitet återkommande behov av att upphandla utvärderare till externfinansierade projekt, t ex olika EU-projekt. Uppdragen varierar beroende på projektens omfattning och karaktär.
478 dagar kvar

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